On Catholic Schools in the Diocese of Wichita

In the Catholic Diocese of Wichita, we believe that a Catholic Education is the best gift a parent can give a child. Your child will not only receive an outstanding academic education but more importantly, will receive a rich formation in the way of stewardship which will prepare your child for life and giving your entire family the opportunity to grow in faith and holiness. Your child will study religion daily, will pray often, will practice moral values, will learn to practice self-discipline and discipleship, and will be expected to put others' needs before his or her own.

Our Catholic grade schools and high schools are the mission of the entire parish! Only through the stewardship of ALL parishioners are we able to maintain excellent schools without any government support. Since example is always the best teacher, I encourage you to continue to be (or become) an active steward at Sacred Heart.

Enrolling your children is a Catholic school is a partnership among the family, the parish, and the school. It is a privilege, and not a right!


What we expect of our Catholic School Families, we expect of all families in the parish. We expect:

  • Attending of Sunday Mass and Holy Days of Obligation at the parish

  • Participation in the sacramental life of the Church

  • Active participation in parish ministries

  • Participation in the parish religion education programs for children and adults

  • Consistent Catholic moral values in all areas of life

  • Completion of an annual pledge of time, talent, and treasure

  • Making and keeping a good faith pledge of treasure, with a goal of 8% of your gross income to the parish and 2% to other favorite charities

The question of active stewardship is not a matter of money, but incorporates the fullness of a disciples response. Catholic schools are not primarily academic institutions; they are first and foremost schools of formation in faith, moral values, service and spirituality. Our Catholic schools can succeed only if they work hand in hand with parents. Your active stewardship in the parish, therefore, is not just desirable; it is crucial to everything you and we want to accomplish for your child. 

For families which fulfill these expectations of active stewardship, the parish will make every effort to assist them with the funding of their children's Catholic education.

This agreement is contingent upon a families' continuing parish stewardship. Also please remember, if circumstances change in a family's commitment to the parish, it is important to inform the parish and/or the pastor. Stewardship is a relationship commitment. It must not be presumed the pastor is aware of personal circumstances hindering your generous sacrifice of time, talent and treasure.

As a pastor:

  • I have the responsibility of cultivating and forming families as active stewards

  • I am also accountable to God for being a good steward of the parish's limited financial resources. Therefore, I am responsible for determining if a family is making a good faith effort to be an active parish member.

Honestly, prayerfully and with truth review the Parish Family Agreement (PFA) every family must sign each year to be educated in Catholic schools in the Diocese of Wichita. If you cannot fulfill the obligations stated, please do not sign it. We will work with you to find other ways for your children to receive formation in the Catholic Faith.

If you do choose to sign it, be faithful to it! Be faithful for the sake of your fellow parishioners who are sacrificing for the education of the parish children and most of all do it for your own holiness and salvation.

It is an honor and privilege for us to partner with you in the education of your child/children in the ways of Faith. Thank you for giving us this opportunity and recognizing that it is in your home that the faith will be first and most importantly taught.

--Fr. Josh Evans, Pastor