A Stewardship Parish

Stewardship is the grateful response of a Christian disciple who recognizes and receives God’s gifts and shares those gifts with God and neighbor

As disciples of Christ, parishioners of Sacred Heart respond gratefully to God for all He has given us through a commitment to live the stewardship way of life.

4 Pillars of Stewardship

  • Through the Pillar of Hospitality, our parishioners help build a welcoming community,which ensures a strong sense of belonging for all.

  • The Pillar of Prayer and Liturgical Ministries is focused on fostering individual and shared prayer lives as well as promoting reverent liturgical worship.

  • Through the Pillar of Formation, parishioners are given opportunities to grow in knowledge and the ability to share the good news of Christ.

  • The Pillar of Service is focused on promoting active participation in the parish and community as disciples of Christ.

Know & Share your Gifts

Every individual has useful and unique gifts necessary to the work of God in and through the Church; all gifts are precious & necessary in the life of the Church. 

Discover your own personal God-given talents.

on Making a yearly Commitment

Pray about how you can place your time, talent, and treasure at the service of your parish community. Then, fill out your stewardship form and bring it to Mass next weekend (or drop it off at the parish office during the week).

If you have not received a stewardship form, or need to register in the parish, please contact the church office at (620) 231-7747 or sacredheart66763@gmail.com.

How can I give my time back to God?

Here are some ideas:
• Attend Mass on Sundays and Holy Days of Obligation, or even daily Masses
• Praying the Rosary daily
• Join the parish prayer chain
• Receive the Sacrament of Reconcilliation monthly (confession schedule on the front of the bulletin)
• Pray with Scripture for an hour a week
• Pray with the upcoming Sunday’s Gospel each Saturday (and ask your family to join you)
• Study using the resources on Formed.org

How can I give my talent back to God?

By prayerfully discerning through questions like:
• What talents and gifts has God given me?
• Where can I place these talents and gifts at the service of my parish family?
• How is God calling me to give back to Him according to my means and circumstances?

How can I give my talent back to God?
ccording to Scripture, a true tithe is 10%. The Diocese of Wichita asks that we give 8% to our parish and 2% to other causes which appeal to us. It is important for each one of us to discern what we are able to give, sacrificially and consistent- ly. This may not look like 8-10% right away. Begin somewhere and increase as you are able.
• Calculate this percentage based on your annual or monthly income.
• Determine to give weekly, monthly, biweekly, bimonthly, or annually.
• Give via cash/check in our personalized envelopes, online through the parish website, or through automatic bank draft.

What happens after I return my stewardship form?

The information in the form is entered into the parish database. Each ministry leader is given a list of contact info for parishioners who selected their ministry. The leaders receive these lists in late January to begin contacting those who are interested in their ministries. Questions? Contact the church office at (620) 231-7747 or sacredheart66763@gmail.com.